Install Node.JS - Step by step by Guide

What is Node JS and How to Install Node.JS

Tutorial To Install node.js

Because Node.js is the most popular technology it is used for backend services, APIs, Web App, and Mobile App. All in all, this article helps you to understand Node.js, its feature, and step by step guide for installation. Read further to get the tutorial to install node.js

For each new connection, the callback is fired and a connection is made however if no work is done then the connection will sleep. Most applications handled concurrency with help of an Operating system which is quite inefficient. Therefore, Thread-based networking is relatively inefficient and difficult.

Tutorial To Install node.js

Few features of Node.js are mentioned below:

  • Node.js is open-source and cross-platform to run JavaScript outside of the browser
  • Runs the V8Javascript server and core Google Chrome
  • Handled concurrency without any additional settings
  • As a matter of fact it is free from deadlocking
  • No I/O Process used by Node.js so no blocking in Node.js so scalable application can build.

Step by Step Guide to Install Node.js:

To install Node.js follow the below steps:

Step 1: Firstly, go to the Node.js website and navigate to download sections.

Direct Link: All node.js download links:

Step 2: Choose installer file (or direct binaries files) according to your machine configuration and download on your machine:

node.js setup
Download Node.js set up from Node.Js official website.
Choose installer file as per your machine configuration.
Choose installer file as per your machine configuration.

Step 3: Execute the downloaded “node-v14.18.1-x64.msi” ( .pkg file on Mac). Node.js installation wizard will open.

Node.Js Set Up Wizard
Node.Js Set Up Wizard

Memory Acknowledgement:

Node.Js Choose Installation directory
Choose Installation directory

Step 4: Select features: You may customize set up by below Windows

Window to Customize Set Up
Window to Customize Set Up

Window to Choose “Tools for Native Modules”

Tools for Native Modules
Tools for Native Modules
Compete Installation Process:
Node.Js Installation Progress Bar
Installation Status

Step 5: Set Environment Variables in Node.js: Open Environment Variables: Go to Windows search bar and search “Environment variables”. “System Properties” window will be open.

Edit Environment Variables
Edit Environment Variables
  1. Go to path Variables:
  2.  Click on the Environment Variables option  
  3.  Go to System Variables Window and click on Path
Enter Node.js installation directory path in Path variable
Enter Node.js installation directory path in Path variable

c. Enter Node.js installation folder path: Click on New Variable and enter the Node.js installation directory after that click on “OK”.

Set Path Variable
Set Path Variable

Step 6: Verify Node.Js Installation:  Open Command Prompt and type the command “node –v” and hit enter. It will display the Node.js version. If it’s not showing restart your machine and try again this command.

Command to Check Node.Js Installation
Command to Check Node.Js Installation

Steps by steps guide to install NPM

Hope this article helps you with Node.js installation. In conclusion, if you face any issue in the installation or any other questions, contact us on +919555902032 or write us at Another way you may reach us is via Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!



[…] Node.js should be installed if not then refer link […]

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