Cucumber Scenario Outline and Examples in BDD

What is Scenario Outline and Example in Cucumber BDD Frameworks

Data-Driven testing is a very genuine expectation from any automation framework. With this purpose in mind, to perform data-driven testing in the BDD framework we need to use scenario outline and examples. With attention to the automation community, we created this tutorial.

In this tutorial, we will learn about Scenario Outline and Examples. It gives us the flexibility to perform data-driven testing in BDD Framework. In simpler words it allows us to perform the same test over multiple data.

This tutorial explains what is Scenario Outline an example, why we use and how to write code. Also, each step is explained in detail by the snapshot.

Scenario Outline

It is Gherkin Keyword that is used in feature file writing, used to perform the same scenario testing on the different data sets, it must have the “Examples” keyword and in the example, we pass test data.

Sample feature File:

Feature: Test Login feature with multiple credentials
  Scenario Outline:TestCase:"<TCID>"Test Newtour website with Multiple credentials
    Given Open the browser and open application
    When user enter "<username>" and "<password>"
    Then user should be successfully login into Application
      | TCID | username | password |
      | TC1  | mercury  | mercury  |
      | TC2  | mercury  | mercury  |
      | TC3  | mercury | mercury  |
      | TC4  | mercury  | mercury |

 In the above feature file, perform a login scenario for four users (mercury, mercury1, mercury2, and mercury3). For example, we passed user details ie username, and password.

Prerequisite: For this tutorial, you have to do the following setup

  1. Java  and IDE should be set up on the machine (If Java is not installed then click on this link)
  2. Set up cucumber BDD Project. ( To create the first Cucumber project click on this link)

Go to feature folder, create new feature file and write scenario with scenario outline.

Feature: Test Login feature with multiple credentials
  Scenario Outline:TestCase:"<TCID>"Test Newtour website with Multiple credentials
    Given Open the browser and open application
    When user enter "<username>" and "<password>"
    Then user should be successfully login into Application
      | TCID | username | password |
      | TC1  | mercury  | mercury  |
      | TC2  | mercury  | mercury  |
      | TC3  | mercury | mercury  |
      | TC4  | mercury  | mercury |

Write test data and Examples and map steps variable using “<username>” and “<password>”.

Implement scenario steps in the step definition file

package stepDef;
import cucumber.api.PendingException;
import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class stepDefs {
    public WebDriver driver=null;
 @Given("^Open the browser and open application$")
 public void OpenBrowser(){
     driver = new ChromeDriver();
     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    @When("^enter the Username and Password$")
    public void enter_the_Username_and_Password() throws Throwable {
    @When("^user enter \"(.*)\" and \"(.*)\"$")
    public void userEnterUsernameAndPassword(String username, String password) throws Throwable {
    @Then("^user should be successfully login into Application$")
    public void user_should_be_successfully_login_into_Application() throws Throwable {
        Assert.assertEquals("Login: Mercury Tours",driver.getTitle());

Open TestRunner Class and pass scenario tag and run.

this is the snapshot of Runner class. Runner class is used to run BDD automation framework.
BDD – Cucumber Test Runner

Complete Runner Class Code:

import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
        features = {"src/test/resources/features"},
        glue = {"stepDef"},
      plugin = {"json:target/cucumber.json"})
public class TestRunner {

Run runner class and verify the result.

Scenario Outline used to perform same set of test on different data. This is test execution status.
Console view
Masterthought is most popoular automation report which is widely used in automation industry.
Master Thought Cucumber Report

Hope you have followed the above steps and successfully implemented examples in your BDD framework. If you face any issue then feel free to write us

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