Katalon and Selenium! To begin with, this article is most important for Automation Testing Teams, Automation Developers, DevOps Team and Managers to understand which tool is best for their automation testing requirements. For the purpose of, let’s try to consolidate all the differences so that, teams can make the correct decisions in tool selection.
Katalon And Selenium Test Automation – What is Katalon Studio ?
First thing to remember, Katalon Studio is made on the top of Eclipse and Selenium WebDriver. Additionally, the Katalon team developed user-friendly methods which helps the user during Automation. However, compared to old methods check here Katalon Studio’s most popular methods which make automation developer tasks lighter & efficient:
WebUI.openBrowser() : This method is used to Open Browser
WebUI.switchToIFrame(WebElement element) : This method is used to switch Into Iframe
WebUI.click() à This method is used to click on WebElement
WebUI.verifyElementClickable(WebElement element) : This method is used to verify whether element is clickable or not
WebUI.waitForElementClickable() : This method is used to wait for Element Clickable
WebUI.wait(int seconds) : This method is used for explicit wait
WebUI.switchToWindowIndex(int index) : This method is used to switch into Window Index
WebUI.switchToWindow(String WinTittle) : This method is used to switch into window using window title
Few Popular Assertions:
WebUI.navigateToUrl(String url)
WebUI.navigateToUrl(String rawURL)
WebUI.verifyElementAttributeValue(TestObject, String Atrribute, String AttributeValue, 30)
WebUI.verifyElementClickable(TestObject to, FailureHandling.OPTIONAL)
Gives flexibility to create TestSuite

How to Manage TestSuite
Generally, Katalon Studio gives robust GUI to Manage Test Cases in Suite and sequence.

Selenium Jar’s and Testng

Browser Drivers exe

Major features of Katalon Studio:
By and large following are the features:
- At first, it has in Build user friendly methods
- Secondly, support Record and Play, Manual Mode and script mode
- At last, less Coding Knowledge Required
To clarify, Paid License Tool (Free for Individual Contributors)
Although Katalon Studio is promoted as free tool but actually it’s paid for corporate usage. Basically, the Katalon Team initially launched this tool as “it’s free and always free” but recently they changed their policy and make it Paid Tool. Moreover, Katalon Studio’s support is also paid and community is very less.
Source: Katalon Forum

Selenium Framework
Undoubtedly, most of the companies are using Selenium Framework as Selenium Based framework is free of cost. For this reason companies are choosing Selenium Framework.
- Selenium Based Framework is completely free therefore, anyone can easily adopt it
- Gives Flexibility to integrate new features as per organization requirement, which is helpful in the long run
Popular frameworks using Selenium Automation:
At first, Hybrid Framework
Secondly, Data Driven Framework
Thirdly, Behavior Driven Framework
Fourthly, Page Object Model
Note: In general, during Katalon Walkthrough we found that Katalon is completely based on following open sources APIs:
- Selenium Jar
- TestNG
- Eclipse
- Selenium Grid
Katalon vs Selenium:
Category | Selenium Framework | Katalon Studio |
Price | Free | Paid |
Flexibility to implement New Feature | Very Flexible (Allure Report, Cucumber or Any other feature can be integrated easily) | Not so flexible( Basic Report Available) |
Ease of Using | Bit Difficult | Very Easy |
Learning Curve | Long | Smaller |
Integration with Third Party Application | To achieve any feature we have write code | Provide wide range of Plugins like Jira Plugin, Analytics etc. |
How to achieve Framework like Katalon Studio:
- Given that how to achieve this framework, write good quality Base Class which have good methods like Katalon Studio
- Secondly Selenium Wrapper Methods
TestData Wrappers:
In general, implement Testng Listeners and WebDriverEventListeners smartly to achieve best features.
To clarify, use Testng Annotation Sequence as following:
- BeforeSuite
- BeforeClass
- BeforeTest
- BeforeMethod
- AfterMethod
- Test
- AfterTest
- AfterClass
- AfterSuite
@BeforeGroup – Run before first Test of group
@AfterGroup- Run after last Test of group
Finally, Integrate Allure Report and Extent Reports
- Cucumber FeatureFiles
- Email Feature – use Java Mail API
- Integrate JDBC for Database Testing
Additionally, you can visit the following Selenium document link : https://selenium.dev/
Given these points, it is important to realize, good quality of Base Methods, implementation of Listeners and open Sources API speed up automation script and help you to develop Robust Framework.
When we choose Selenium and When we choose Katalon Studio?
First thing to remember is that the Katalon Studio provides robust framework where even manual Tester can write automation script. Although writing automation script using selenium is difficult, good knowledge of Java (or any programming Language) is most important.
In another case, if cost is not constraint and wants to achieve good progress in Automation then Katalon Studio is best option. Although Katalon Studio team may increase price in future but you can always try to choose the most suitable one.
Moreover, if you have stable application and you have good time then go for Selenium Based Framework. Initially it will take time but once after framework stability it will be as equivalent Katalon Studio.
Best Automation Testing Tool
In particular, Katalon Studio is a very efficient, robust & above all its a all in one bundled automation testing tool. However, you can select this tool to start writing automation script for automating your test process for web applications, mobile app etc. But, there are many available options other than katalon studio which provides better results in terms of different criteria or requirements.
Therefore, summing up we can say selection of tool depends on time, team skills, duration of project other factors. Hence after analyzing these factors we can select tools for automation.
To this end, hope this article helps you to select best automation testing tool. Moreover, if you have any doubt then please contact us for additional Support. You can also follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Nice comparison. Seems very useful for QA’s