install jenkins on windows machine

Install Jenkins On Windows Machine – What is Jenkins & Why we need It?

Install Jenkins on windows machine! If you are the part of the Software team, then you must hear a lot of echo on DevOps, CI/CD( Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment), and Jenkins.  Although, it may be a scary word for you but we assure you that this tutorial will not only make you gran the concept but will even make you expert in DevOps. Hence, our tutorial guide provides step by step guidance and also explains each step in detail even with an illustration that will help you to build your understanding.

This is the first tutorial on DevOps tutorial series. To clarify, this tutorial is based on Jenkins introduction and installation on Windows machine. 

Install Jenkins On Windows Machine – Introduction to Jenkins:

Jenkins:  First thing to remember, Jenkins is a self-contained, open-source automation server which can be used to automate all types of task related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying the Software.

Features of Jenkins: 

  1. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery: With this in mind, Jenkins can be used in a simple CI server or it may be used as Continuous Delivery Hub for any project.
  2. Easy Installation
  3. Easy Configuration
  4. Plugins: Jenkins can be customized using millions of plugins
  5. Extensible: With correct configuration and plugins Jenkins can be extended.
  6. Distributed: Jenkins can easily distribute work across multiple machines, helping drive builds, tests, and deployments across multiple platform faster.

Pre requiste: Java8(JDK) should be installed.

Jenkins Installation Steps:

To explain, here is a step by step guide for Jenkins Installation:

  • Step 1: Go to Jenkins Website and Download Jenkins set up as per system specification

Link :

Direct link to download on Windows Machine.

Download Jenkins
  •  Save Jenkins at Specific location:  Save Jenkins Set up at the desired location:
Jenkins installation path
  • Unzip Set up and click on next and complete set up by clicking on next and click on Finish
Jenkins Installler
  • Go to Jenkins folder and copy path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
Jenkins local path
  • Open Command Prompt and run below command:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
Jenkins cmd
  • Step 2: Run below command to start Jenkins: Using below command you can start Jenkins on port 8080 by default.
java -jar jenkins.war

If you want to run Jenkins on Specific port then use –httpPort=9090   

java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090  
Run jenkins
  • Step 3: Now the Jenkins start. You can open below link on your browser:



  • As per above  snapshot, Go to Jenkins installation folder and open file “initialAdminPassword”
initialAdminPassword Jenkins
  • Copy admin password and enter in Jenkins
Copy Jenkins admin password
Unlock Jenkins using initialAdminPassword
  • Click on Suggested plugins: It will install all the required basic plugins
Customize Jenkins
Jenkins Getting Started
  • Enter First Admin User details  and save and continue.
Create Jenkins User
  • In addition, customize Jenkins URL  if required and save and Finish
Jenkins Instance Configuration
  • Now Jenkins is ready for use. Click on Start Jenkins and continue with Jenkins.
Start Jenkins
Jenkins dashboard

Congratulation!  In order that, now you know how to install Jenkins on windows machine. This is the first tutorial on Jenkins. In the next tutorial, we will learn to create the first Jenkins jobs to run the Selenium Project. 

Summing up, I hope this tutorial helped in Jenkin’s configurations. If you like this tutorial then please follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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